Getting Trained

Sadhana offers Trainings that are recognised by the International Association – IASWECE which follow the IASWECE training guidelines

How to be a certified Waldorf Early Childhood Educator.

  1. Foundation Course is the first step towards it.
  2. Thereafter through attending the Level 2 Training program and the National conference one can work towards completing the topics as per the IASWECE guidelines. Here’s a quick reference to the link …..
  3. An aspiring trainee needs to maintain a portfolio of the trainings they are undergoing
  4. Once all the topics have been covered through Sadhana recognised Training programs , one may submit the same and apply to Sadhana for a Certificate .
  5. The completed portfolio will be recognised by both the National and the International association .
  6. Then Certificate for trained Waldorf Early Childhood Educator would be given. This would be equivalent to a 3 years course of Waldorf early childhood teacher .

Training in Waldorf Early Childhood Education

The Foundation Course on Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Training offered by Sadhana

Level 2 – Waldorf Early Childhood Education

Working towards the completions of topics laid down as guidelines by IASWECE.

The National Conference

The Foundation Course on Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Training offered by Sadhana