About Sadhana Membership


Prerequisites of starting a Waldorf Kindergarten in India

  • An individual who has completed basic training – Foundation course Certified by Sadhana or its equivalent (conditions apply – refer to the Training topics / guidelines by IASWECE) and a Mentor handholding the initiative for a minimum period of 3 years.
  • An individual who has covered all the training topics given by IASWECE through other training courses and a Mentor handholding the initiative for a minimum period of 3 years.
  • An individual with an experience of minimum 5 years of waldorf kindergarten classroom teaching and with the support from a mentor for 1 year

Initiatives who fulfill the above criteria can write to Sadhana about their interest to start a new impulse. Such initiatives will then be included in the New Initiatives category of Sadhana.

Please refer to the guidelines of IASWECE – for how to start a new initiative.

 Listed below are the various types of memberships of Sadhana

1. New Initiative
2. Developing Member
3. Full Member
4. Individual Membership

New Initiative

An initiative that has just started working with the Waldorf philosophy with the above prerequisite and has informed Sadhana about the same will be included in the new initiatives category by Sadhana. Such a group / initiative should be in operation for a period of 1 year and should be
working with the waldorf impulse.

Developing Members

A new initiative who has completed 1 year of its working with Waldorf impulse and has minimum 1 trained waldorf teacher who has completed minimum 200 hours of training through Sadhana or equivalent (conditions apply -Refer to the Training topics / guidelines by IASWECE) and is supported by a Mentor.

Developing members are kindergartens, child care centres, pre schools, who fulfil the following criteria:

  • It is given that the kindergartens, preschools and childcare centres are using the guiding philosophy of Waldorf education
  • Basic norms of hygiene, safe environment, teacher and child ratio per kindergarten that is, one trained teacher for 20-25 children, one helper (one trainee at a time) for kindergarten and preschool, for child care centres the ratio is one teacher per 10 children and one helper
  • The centre/kindergarten works visibly out of  Steiner /Waldorf Education and is able to represent this impulse in the wider community and is pursuing in depth study of Anthroposophy as the foundation of Steiner Early Childhood Education
  • Wish to be part of Indian Waldorf/Steiner early childhood movement in India
  • Wish to receive support and advice about the working and philosophy
  • The kindergarten/centre is showing viability in terms of finances, enrolment and staffing
  • The staff is committed to ongoing and regular study of Anthroposophy and is child centric in all its activities within the college/team
  • The centre/kindergarten/pre school is an active participant in regional meetings and conferences on an ongoing basis and is able to help carry the work of the Association in the region and to support new initiatives

Full Members

A developing member who has completed 3 years of being a developing member with Sadhana can apply to be a full member. The full member should at least have 1 waldorf trained teacher who has completed 500 hours of training through Sadhana or equivalent (conditions apply -Refer to the Training topics / guidelines by IASWECE).

A Sadhana representative/s will visit such a school on receiving their application for full membership and based upon their report being submitted the school will be given the Membership in the full membership category. Developing members who wish to become a full member and have completed the criterions for a developing member can write to Sadhana about the same. Sadhana will provide the Form and guide them to the way forward for being a Full Member.

Being a Sadhana member you will receive

  • Information about events, educational issues and developments in India and overseas
  • Invitations to AGMs of Sadhana and regional/national meetings and conferences in India
  • Organisational and pedagogical support through Sadhana
  • Access to a mentor, who can assist with developing the work further
  • Listing in the register of the Indian Waldorf/Steiner Early Childhood Association, Sadhana

Individual Membership

An individual who has worked for a period of minimum 5 years as a Waldorf kindergarten teacher can apply for individual membership.

More about membership

Presently there is no membership fee being charged however, Members are expected to attend and actively participate in the yearly National Conference. Incase a member is not participating in any Sadhana activities for consecutive 3 years then the membership will be cancelled.

Please write to us on sadhana.siwka@gmail.com for the Application form for being a Member.